The body of the Sea Elves in the Auction on eBay – This is the look of a fairy mummy found in any ocean beach in Florida Satui. He looks awful strange. Similar with Jenglot!
Recently, the findings were auctioned on eBay strange, strangely, there is also a buy. So mummy is sold for $305. Problem auction auction bizarre stuff, eBay is the place. Not long ago this was the figure who allegedly found a female fairy in his garden, eventually auctioned on eBay, also some buying.
As for this sea fairy mummy, perhaps that many know, and the seller is a bit impatient, it could get better prices. But in fact, is it true this is a fairy creature of the sea or just cardboard? Her wings are made from fish fins, lips, teeth, jaw bone as well as fish, are the long antennae on his head like a stingray’s tail. But the odd thing is that no fish odor (fishy) or a distinctive smell the sea on this creature .. So?
Recently, the findings were auctioned on eBay strange, strangely, there is also a buy. So mummy is sold for $305. Problem auction auction bizarre stuff, eBay is the place. Not long ago this was the figure who allegedly found a female fairy in his garden, eventually auctioned on eBay, also some buying.

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